Just recieved word today that my publisher is 'retiring' all three Quiver's, as of Jan 15th. A sad day, but I still have Contagion and Quiver Omnibus to push.. so get out there on storm the stonegarden.net site, ordering up the final copies, and the complete set as well..
Mankind's fight for survival begins
Europa: Rise of the Carnelians
7.4.09 from stonegarden.net publishers
"It is clear that Gehlert has some genuine storytelling passion." Mark Justice, Horroworld
Updates From The Cerebral
Have been tirelessly working on the Europa edits, creating a Thanksgiving feast and working on other projects such as Revolver and Europa 2...
Have recently sent out some letters to important people in NYC branch of Barnes and Noble crossing fingers to have my books in their nationwide database..
Quiver Omnibus has been selling well since its release last week.. Five copies have moved so far..
Have recently sent out some letters to important people in NYC branch of Barnes and Noble crossing fingers to have my books in their nationwide database..
Quiver Omnibus has been selling well since its release last week.. Five copies have moved so far..
The Garden 10.31.08

This Halloween, take a walk in the Garden, if you dare..
From the creator of the visceral, pulse-pounding "John Dark" series, author B.L. Morgan has brought together some of the best voices in the industry. A collection of rising stars, The Garden is an electric introduction to the Stonegarden authors. Each voice a unqiue fingerprint, Bernie Grezlik, Anna Parrish, Wednesday Lee Friday, B.L. Morgan, James L. Grant, Shirley Howard, Jennifer Caress, and Jason Gehlert, all offer a wide spectrum of horror, romance, science fiction, and fantasy.
Upcoming Dates/Releases
Saturday Sept 20th-Newburgh Free Library, Grand Street, Newburgh, New York. Book Fair 12-4pm, Private Reception 11-12pm
Sunday Sept 21st-Newburgh Cultural Arts Festival-Quiver Reading, 297 Grand Street, Newburgh, NY 2-230, Q&A Session 230-4pm
Saturday October 18th-SUNY New Paltz Almuni Weekend, Book Signing, 11-12pm
October 31st-The Garden, Collection of Stonegarden author's short stories, Pre-order now at Stonegarden.net
November 20th-Quiver Omnibus-The Complete Quiver Trilogy-Pre-order now at Stonegarden.net
December 19th-Joey's Cafe, Washingtonville, NY 7-9pm
July 4th, 2009-Europa Released
Sunday Sept 21st-Newburgh Cultural Arts Festival-Quiver Reading, 297 Grand Street, Newburgh, NY 2-230, Q&A Session 230-4pm
Saturday October 18th-SUNY New Paltz Almuni Weekend, Book Signing, 11-12pm
October 31st-The Garden, Collection of Stonegarden author's short stories, Pre-order now at Stonegarden.net
November 20th-Quiver Omnibus-The Complete Quiver Trilogy-Pre-order now at Stonegarden.net
December 19th-Joey's Cafe, Washingtonville, NY 7-9pm
July 4th, 2009-Europa Released
Contagion Review
reviewed by Mistophiles [Withersin Magazine]
Sub-Tropical Remote Locations. Malevolent Viruses and Bacterium. A United States Task Force. Terrorism. Torture. Benevolent Doctors. Love Affairs. Burning Buildings. Confused Locals. Rushed Escapes. Guns. Knives. IV Poles and Helicopters. This one's got it all. Initially, this book began as a hang-at-the-edge-of-your-seat internet serial. The story caught on, fans wanted more, and Contagion was born. Characters and plot both are reminiscent of action packed, over-the-top Soap Operas, so (besides the occasional eye roll) I found myself reading, and reading, and reading some more. And that's really the point isn't it? Capture the reader’s attention and KEEP them reading. It's dark, it's different, it's pleasantly sinister.
Sub-Tropical Remote Locations. Malevolent Viruses and Bacterium. A United States Task Force. Terrorism. Torture. Benevolent Doctors. Love Affairs. Burning Buildings. Confused Locals. Rushed Escapes. Guns. Knives. IV Poles and Helicopters. This one's got it all. Initially, this book began as a hang-at-the-edge-of-your-seat internet serial. The story caught on, fans wanted more, and Contagion was born. Characters and plot both are reminiscent of action packed, over-the-top Soap Operas, so (besides the occasional eye roll) I found myself reading, and reading, and reading some more. And that's really the point isn't it? Capture the reader’s attention and KEEP them reading. It's dark, it's different, it's pleasantly sinister.
Carnie Creek Released 8.20.08

Link here for my newest novel, Carnie Creek by PublishAmerica.
Quiver Omnibus Released

The extraordinary Peter J. Swanson has drawn up ths eye catcher for my forthcoming Quiver Trilogy..
This November 30th, it's going to be one HELL of a family reunion
Pre-Order now at http://www.stonegarden.net/index.php?main_page=product_book_info&products_id=136&zenid=9c1ab970a8b94f0726d5fad1c250cd96
Mankind's fight for survival begins
Europa: Rise of the Carnelians
7.4.09 from stonegarden.net publishers
Europa: Rise of the Carnelians
7.4.09 from stonegarden.net publishers
2008 Book Tour
I am currently in negotiations to appear at the Newburgh Cultural Arts Festival Sept 20-21 in Newburgh NY. I will be speaking, reading, selling signed copies of my books, and lecturing on publishing and writing.
I also have been in talks to do an event in Middletown NY at the Borders on August 9th, and at a book store in Kingston NY sometime in August.
I will be returning to Newburgh at Barnes and Noble on Tuesday December 2nd, 2008.
I will post a finalized tour date once everything has been cemented in place.
I also have been in talks to do an event in Middletown NY at the Borders on August 9th, and at a book store in Kingston NY sometime in August.
I will be returning to Newburgh at Barnes and Noble on Tuesday December 2nd, 2008.
I will post a finalized tour date once everything has been cemented in place.
Europa: Rise of the Carnelians Release Date

My sixth novel, the sci-fi epic, Europa, will be released worldwide through stonegarden.net publishing on July 4, 2009.
Please head on over to www.europa2045.blogspot.com for up to date information.
Mankind's fight for survival begins
Europa: Rise of the Carnelians
Coming 7.4.09 from stonegarden.net publishers
George Carlin
This man, this ICON will be missed
I grew up on his unique brand of humor and will forever miss the comic genius
I grew up on his unique brand of humor and will forever miss the comic genius
Who is John Dark?
My friend Bob Morgan has a new franchise over at stonegarden.net publishers, about a shady hero, John Dark. I've produced a short video blurb for Bob's explosive new franchise that kicks off with Blood and Rain, now out everywhere books are sold.
Book Signing/Contagion
Sorry for the delay, but I've been swamped with arranging my summer schedule..
The June 7th gig at the local Barnes and Noble in Newburgh NY went really well. I sold half of my books and booked another signing for December..
Contagion sold the most, roughly 12 copies, the Quiver series sold about 2 each.. I left autographed copies at the customer service desk..
I will be posting my official summer tour later this month..
Mankind's fight for survival begins
Europa: Rise of the Carnelians
Coming 2009 from stonegarden.net publishers
The June 7th gig at the local Barnes and Noble in Newburgh NY went really well. I sold half of my books and booked another signing for December..
Contagion sold the most, roughly 12 copies, the Quiver series sold about 2 each.. I left autographed copies at the customer service desk..
I will be posting my official summer tour later this month..
Mankind's fight for survival begins
Europa: Rise of the Carnelians
Coming 2009 from stonegarden.net publishers
Quiver 2 Link
Buried deep in the archives of my local paper, The Times Herald Record, I present you a full page dedicated to my 2nd release, Quiver 2... It's from October 2007..
Stonegarden Publishing Deep Discount-75% OFF
Head on over to my publisher's website to experience some awesome deals on books, including my very own Quiver 2, now under 5 bucks, but hurry only 10 copies remain at that HOT HOT HOT price!!!!
Woodsman's Release

I released my short novella, The Woodsman today on Lulu.com, in support of its release in the short story collection called the Garden Anthology, due this Halloween from Stonegarden.net publishers. [www.stonegarden.net]. This is a work of dark fiction, steeped in true, gritty horror.
Check it out here..

It officially becomes my first 2008 release..
Support the indie writers/publishers...
Book Signing Video Part 1
This is from Barnes and Noble, Poughkeepsie, New York
March 9, 2007
Check out this video: Kingston Signing Part 1
Add to My Profile | More Videos
March 9, 2007
Check out this video: Kingston Signing Part 1
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Courtesy of Jazmaonline.com
Allen: What does your family think of you being an author?
Jason: They absolutely love it. My daughters show me off in their 1st grade class
Allen: What sort of things in your past helped inspire you to write novels?
Jason: American Werewolf In London inspired me to write werewolf novels, and my mother inspired me to start writing
Allen: Where do you live? Does your location get worked into setting of your novels? Also, how old are you?
Jason: Poughkeepsie New York. Not really, I pick exotic locales, like the woods of Washington, or even Africa for Contagion. My new sci-fi novel Europa, deals with Jupiter and outer space and Yellowstone National Park. 31, 32 this August.
Allen: What genre do you feel most comfortable writing?
Jason: Horror, sci-fi with lots of sarcastic characters.
Allen: What was your childhood like?
Jason: I developed strong bonds with my mother, father and uncle. Straight A student, always writing in some form or another. Big into transformers, GI Joes bad Batman, and my love for great whites, favorite movie is Jaws.
Allen: Did you read many comic books as child?
Jason: Not really, MAD Magazine
Allen: What sort of jobs did you have in past?
Jason: Basically retail, but I did work at radio station doing sports broadcasts.
Allen: How did you become associated with Stonegarden Publications?
Jason: I researched them on internet and took a chance.
Allen: Tell me about 3 books in Quiver trilogy. What spawned concept for novels?
Jason: Basically a cursed family bloodline that needs to be severed otherwise each succeeding generation will continue to grow in power. It spawns the globe starting in the woods of Washington and ending in a deserted Siberian prison camp in Russia.
Allen: How can novels be ordered? Also, can Quiver books be found in most book stores that carry new novels?
Jason: my novels can be ordered through the stonegarden.net site, and any online retailer {Amazon, Target etc} Or just go into any bookstore and they can order you a copy.
Allen: Take me through an average work day for Jason Gehlert.
Jason: I get up at am, get my daughters ready for school by 830. I then work my new job at Nabisco from 830-5 and either my second job also retail from 6-10, or I am home with the family. I usually set time aside at night like 9p-12am to write and Saturday's all day for writing or working on promotions. I constantly check my emails, blogs and making new video promos for my books.
Allen: How long did it take to write your newest book Contagion?
Jason: Contagion took about 7 months start to finish.
Allen: Tell me about story of your newest novel Contagion.
Jason: Basically a sinister virus overtakes a small South African colony and world-renown doctor Quentin Forsythe is sent to find a cure, and finds that the colony's inhabitants have turned into zombie like creatures. Another team of doctors are sent to find Quentin, as well as the US Army on orders of the President to quarantine the colony at all costs. Throw in a rebel dictator who wants the cure for himself, and all hell's ready to break loose. Horror Fiction Review calls it fast-paced, ambitious, fun, exciting and written like a cult-movie
Allen: What is order ISBN number for Contagion?
Jason: 1600760902
Allen: Do you sell autographed copies of your books?
Jason: Out of the trunk of my car, and at my book signings. But I will sign anyone's book per special request.
Allen: How do you promote your books?
Jason: Through stonegarden forums, emails, flyers, videos, my myspace site (myspace.com/quivertori/) my own website (www.jasongehlert.com), various blogs at www.blogger.com, and a www.gather.com site as well. I also engineer many book signings at my local stores and radio interviews, book reviews, and online reviews with people such as yourself.
Allen: Who are some of your cover artists?
Jason: My wife Tammy did Quiver 3, Brian Yount did Quiver 2, and Contagion, Peter Swanson, a fellow stonegarden author has done my new series Europa.
Allen: Do you go to any book or even comic book conventions?
Jason: I will be attending my first, the World Horror Convention this march 27-30 in salt lake city, Utah
Allen: Do you read any comic book series now? If not who are some of your favorite comic book characters?
Jason: I am working on getting my short story The Woodsman into a graphic novel. The Joker is my comic book character.
Allen: Have you ever considered any of your novels being turned into graphic novels?
Jason: my Amazon short The Woodsman possibly in negotiations for adaptation into a graphic novel.
Allen: Who are some of your favorite authors?
Jason: Stephen King's early work, James Patterson {we both are from Newburgh NY}, my wife, Bob Morgan of Stonegarden
Allen: What are some of your hobbies?
Jason: Writing, football, more writing, spending time with my twin daughter's
Allen: What sort of movies do you like to watch?
Jason: Westerns, horror, science fiction and sometimes goofy ass comedies like Smokey and the Bandit
Allen: Do you like watching cartoons? If so what are some of ones you watch?
Jason: Simpson's, Sponge Bob and Fairly Oddparents with my daughters.
Allen: Tell me about future Europa novels? When will books be published? Who is cover artist? What is general story line?
Jason: I can say Europa has been accepted for a possible 2009 release, and the covers are done by our very own Peter Swanson of stonegarden. Story line basically its 2045, Yellowstone's underground super volcano erupts, wipes out Earth, our President sends 4 teams to Europa and New Earth {another Earth like planet 20.5 million light years away} to try and colonize them. Along the way we encounter a dangerous alien species called Carnelians whose home world just so happens to be New Earth.
So, the second and third entries will focus on our team's battling these nasty aliens on New Earth as we try and colonize a new home.
Allen: If Contagion or Quiver got turned into movies who would you like to play lead roles and why? Also have books been optioned for movies?
Jason: Gee I don't know. Sean Connery for role of Adolph in Quiver, after that I don't know. I knew at one time, but the names have faded from memory.
Allen: Have you ever published other older stories in magazines or other publications?
Jason: Nope.
Allen: Have you ever wrote using pen name? If so what were name or names?
Jason: Nope, I use my real name
Allen: How can someone contact you?
Jason: My email MacGy4@msn.com or leave me a note on the Stonegarden forum.
Allen: What has been reader reception to your novels?
Jason: Word of mouth has been excellent on the Quiver series, even better with Contagion. They like the fast pace and zombie theme
Allen: What inspires your creativity?
Jason: Coffee and an active imagination
Allen: What is harder the plot or creating characters?
Jason: The plot
Allen: What would you really want new readers to know about your stories?
Jason: They are different, unique and the characters are very well developed, no cookie cutter type stuff, even the supporting cast has great lines...
Allen: Thank you so very much Jason for participating in Jazma interview. Would you like to lead us out with any words of wisdom about creating novels?
Jason: Work hard, keep persistence close by, and keep pounding the pavement. Share with friends, forums, and other writing groups.
Allen: What does your family think of you being an author?
Jason: They absolutely love it. My daughters show me off in their 1st grade class
Allen: What sort of things in your past helped inspire you to write novels?
Jason: American Werewolf In London inspired me to write werewolf novels, and my mother inspired me to start writing
Allen: Where do you live? Does your location get worked into setting of your novels? Also, how old are you?
Jason: Poughkeepsie New York. Not really, I pick exotic locales, like the woods of Washington, or even Africa for Contagion. My new sci-fi novel Europa, deals with Jupiter and outer space and Yellowstone National Park. 31, 32 this August.
Allen: What genre do you feel most comfortable writing?
Jason: Horror, sci-fi with lots of sarcastic characters.
Allen: What was your childhood like?
Jason: I developed strong bonds with my mother, father and uncle. Straight A student, always writing in some form or another. Big into transformers, GI Joes bad Batman, and my love for great whites, favorite movie is Jaws.
Allen: Did you read many comic books as child?
Jason: Not really, MAD Magazine
Allen: What sort of jobs did you have in past?
Jason: Basically retail, but I did work at radio station doing sports broadcasts.
Allen: How did you become associated with Stonegarden Publications?
Jason: I researched them on internet and took a chance.
Allen: Tell me about 3 books in Quiver trilogy. What spawned concept for novels?
Jason: Basically a cursed family bloodline that needs to be severed otherwise each succeeding generation will continue to grow in power. It spawns the globe starting in the woods of Washington and ending in a deserted Siberian prison camp in Russia.
Allen: How can novels be ordered? Also, can Quiver books be found in most book stores that carry new novels?
Jason: my novels can be ordered through the stonegarden.net site, and any online retailer {Amazon, Target etc} Or just go into any bookstore and they can order you a copy.
Allen: Take me through an average work day for Jason Gehlert.
Jason: I get up at am, get my daughters ready for school by 830. I then work my new job at Nabisco from 830-5 and either my second job also retail from 6-10, or I am home with the family. I usually set time aside at night like 9p-12am to write and Saturday's all day for writing or working on promotions. I constantly check my emails, blogs and making new video promos for my books.
Allen: How long did it take to write your newest book Contagion?
Jason: Contagion took about 7 months start to finish.
Allen: Tell me about story of your newest novel Contagion.
Jason: Basically a sinister virus overtakes a small South African colony and world-renown doctor Quentin Forsythe is sent to find a cure, and finds that the colony's inhabitants have turned into zombie like creatures. Another team of doctors are sent to find Quentin, as well as the US Army on orders of the President to quarantine the colony at all costs. Throw in a rebel dictator who wants the cure for himself, and all hell's ready to break loose. Horror Fiction Review calls it fast-paced, ambitious, fun, exciting and written like a cult-movie
Allen: What is order ISBN number for Contagion?
Jason: 1600760902
Allen: Do you sell autographed copies of your books?
Jason: Out of the trunk of my car, and at my book signings. But I will sign anyone's book per special request.
Allen: How do you promote your books?
Jason: Through stonegarden forums, emails, flyers, videos, my myspace site (myspace.com/quivertori/) my own website (www.jasongehlert.com), various blogs at www.blogger.com, and a www.gather.com site as well. I also engineer many book signings at my local stores and radio interviews, book reviews, and online reviews with people such as yourself.
Allen: Who are some of your cover artists?
Jason: My wife Tammy did Quiver 3, Brian Yount did Quiver 2, and Contagion, Peter Swanson, a fellow stonegarden author has done my new series Europa.
Allen: Do you go to any book or even comic book conventions?
Jason: I will be attending my first, the World Horror Convention this march 27-30 in salt lake city, Utah
Allen: Do you read any comic book series now? If not who are some of your favorite comic book characters?
Jason: I am working on getting my short story The Woodsman into a graphic novel. The Joker is my comic book character.
Allen: Have you ever considered any of your novels being turned into graphic novels?
Jason: my Amazon short The Woodsman possibly in negotiations for adaptation into a graphic novel.
Allen: Who are some of your favorite authors?
Jason: Stephen King's early work, James Patterson {we both are from Newburgh NY}, my wife, Bob Morgan of Stonegarden
Allen: What are some of your hobbies?
Jason: Writing, football, more writing, spending time with my twin daughter's
Allen: What sort of movies do you like to watch?
Jason: Westerns, horror, science fiction and sometimes goofy ass comedies like Smokey and the Bandit
Allen: Do you like watching cartoons? If so what are some of ones you watch?
Jason: Simpson's, Sponge Bob and Fairly Oddparents with my daughters.
Allen: Tell me about future Europa novels? When will books be published? Who is cover artist? What is general story line?
Jason: I can say Europa has been accepted for a possible 2009 release, and the covers are done by our very own Peter Swanson of stonegarden. Story line basically its 2045, Yellowstone's underground super volcano erupts, wipes out Earth, our President sends 4 teams to Europa and New Earth {another Earth like planet 20.5 million light years away} to try and colonize them. Along the way we encounter a dangerous alien species called Carnelians whose home world just so happens to be New Earth.
So, the second and third entries will focus on our team's battling these nasty aliens on New Earth as we try and colonize a new home.
Allen: If Contagion or Quiver got turned into movies who would you like to play lead roles and why? Also have books been optioned for movies?
Jason: Gee I don't know. Sean Connery for role of Adolph in Quiver, after that I don't know. I knew at one time, but the names have faded from memory.
Allen: Have you ever published other older stories in magazines or other publications?
Jason: Nope.
Allen: Have you ever wrote using pen name? If so what were name or names?
Jason: Nope, I use my real name
Allen: How can someone contact you?
Jason: My email MacGy4@msn.com or leave me a note on the Stonegarden forum.
Allen: What has been reader reception to your novels?
Jason: Word of mouth has been excellent on the Quiver series, even better with Contagion. They like the fast pace and zombie theme
Allen: What inspires your creativity?
Jason: Coffee and an active imagination
Allen: What is harder the plot or creating characters?
Jason: The plot
Allen: What would you really want new readers to know about your stories?
Jason: They are different, unique and the characters are very well developed, no cookie cutter type stuff, even the supporting cast has great lines...
Allen: Thank you so very much Jason for participating in Jazma interview. Would you like to lead us out with any words of wisdom about creating novels?
Jason: Work hard, keep persistence close by, and keep pounding the pavement. Share with friends, forums, and other writing groups.
Pictures From My Book Signings

I've been a bit lazy with the camera, but here's a nice collection of my signings/readings dating back to 2006-2007
The first three are from Barnes and Noble from Kingston, New York, 6.10.07
The last one is from Borders, Middletown, New York, GRAND OPENING, 11.23.06
Mankind's fight for survival begins
Europa: Rise of the Carnelians
Coming 2009 from stonegarden.net publishers
Father/Daughter Dance

I recently took my daughters to their girl scout dance. We danced, sang high school musical numbers, played with over inflated balloons, and did the chicken dance, limbo, and congo line. I also hung with the other dads and worked the promotional end of my writing career [they are horror fans as well] We enjoyed pizza, ice cream and pink lemonade
Another great year!!!
Red Triangle Preview

Steeped in ancient Hawaiian Mythology, sharks are considered heroic, and are revered as the great guardians of the Hawaiian people. In these stories, the shark Gods have roamed the waters utilizing their ability to change back and forth between human and shark at gracious will
to warn swimmers that sharks were lurking in the water. The Gods have used their mystical powers to watch over the Hawaiian people, and at times have even rescued shipwrecked people by taking them safely back to shore.
Now, many decades later, the sharks have turned into something the Hawaiian people have quietly feared. Their worst enemy. What will happen when the shark Gods stop warning the people and begin hunting them down as prey?
Ancient mythology prominently declares that the sharks are the guardians of the seas.
Who will protect us when our guardians become the hunters?
A devastating new species has arisen from beneath the Earth’s surface, conjuring up fear within the small town of Bodega Bay. A relentless series of brutal attacks pits the town’s Sheriff, a Hawaiian marine biologist, a world-renown shark expert, and an ex-Sheriff with something left to prove against a trio of ancient soulless killing machines.
to warn swimmers that sharks were lurking in the water. The Gods have used their mystical powers to watch over the Hawaiian people, and at times have even rescued shipwrecked people by taking them safely back to shore.
Now, many decades later, the sharks have turned into something the Hawaiian people have quietly feared. Their worst enemy. What will happen when the shark Gods stop warning the people and begin hunting them down as prey?
Ancient mythology prominently declares that the sharks are the guardians of the seas.
Who will protect us when our guardians become the hunters?
A devastating new species has arisen from beneath the Earth’s surface, conjuring up fear within the small town of Bodega Bay. A relentless series of brutal attacks pits the town’s Sheriff, a Hawaiian marine biologist, a world-renown shark expert, and an ex-Sheriff with something left to prove against a trio of ancient soulless killing machines.
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